I’m Heidi, owner and founder of Tap-In,
EFT Practitioner &
Health Coach.
I am dedicated to helping amazing women reduce stress so they can live an authentic life they love – deepen their relationships, feel on purpose in their career and be truly healthy in mind, body and spirit.
For years I lived in a state of hyper arousal and stress, and I didn’t even know it! I was jumpy and easily frightened. Lacked confidence and became defensive if I thought anyone was criticising me (which mostly they weren’t).
From the outside things looked good. We were travelling the world living a somewhat nomadic lifestyle (teaching skiing) and not even stopping when we had kids!
I moved from Ski Instructing to Human Resources Management and had wonderful jobs working with amazing people. But it was all too much, and it was my family (and me) that suffered.
At some point it became clear that I wasn’t ok.
I sought help and found a psychologist who specialised in EFT tapping. I had done some tapping before and knew it’s power, so I dove in.
I couldn’t believe how much it helped!
But… I never really learnt to use it for myself, so whilst things got a lot better,
I continued to struggle.
Fast forward a few years and I found myself working as a Human Resources Manager for a large company. I was stressed, disconnected and overwhelmed - and it was starting to show in my body. I had severe brain fog, I couldn’t sleep through the night, and I suffered from constant and unrelenting sugar cravings.
I also had a yearning to do something different with my life.
But what!?!?
That’s when things started to change. I learnt about Functional Medicine (think holistic health), and I focused on improving my health. I changed my diet and started meditating regularly.
I trained and became certified in Health Coaching, EFT tapping and Matrix Reimprinting.
I addressed my health first, healing my brain fog and feeling like I could be present with my family and at work was a game changer.
Then came my career, I quit my 9 – 5 and jumped off the cliff! Best decision I ever made.
Then (and this probably should have come first, but we’re only ready for things when we’re ready for them). I started working on my relationships. Healing my stress and the past experiences that were triggering me to yell at my kids and think things like “I’m just not cut out for this parenting thing” and “it’s all my fault” to pretty much any challenge we had in our family. I was yelling and irritable and generally unpleasant to be around.
And do you know what? It wasn’t my fault. It was actually my nervous system reacting in a way that it thought it was keeping me safe.
Once I understood that and spent some time re-teaching my body and mind to feel safe (using EFT tapping), I started being able to choose my reactions, instead of being held hostage by my emotions.

And it feels amazing!
My health is under my control (not always perfect) but so much better,
I have released ongoing back pain that I had since I was 15 years old,
I can choose how I respond to my loved ones even when I don’t like something they say or do,
I am living life on my terms, in a career I love and feel really passionate about,
I can be a role model for my kids.
Learning and applying these modalities has truly changed my life, and if I’m honest, who I am.
Which is why I am so passionate about teaching beautiful women like you how to implement EFT tapping in your life with my online course Tapping Genius.
And guide you to deeper levels of healing to make lasting impactful changes that will affect every aspect of your life with 1:1 sessions and my comprehensive program Tap & Transform.
Are you ready to take that first step?
Here’s how you can work with me.
Tapping Genius
Self-paced Online Course
Discover the power of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping with our self-paced online course.
Transform from beginner to tapping expert in just hours, mastering foundational techniques for stress management and enhanced well-being.
Tap & Transform
Personalised Program
Unlock your potential and create lasting change with our Tap & Transform, Personalised Coaching Program. Combining the Tapping Genius online course with personalised 1:1 coaching, this tailored experience equips you with the knowledge, skills, and dedicated support for profound growth.
EFT Insight Session
Coaching Session
Invest in a personalised EFT tapping experience — perfect for experienced tappers seeking transformative shifts or newcomers seeking guidance. In this one-on-one session, we explore the power of Emotional Freedom Techniques, unlocking insights and addressing challenges.
“I found it very easy to relax and open up to Heidi, she is an amazing listener, which allowed us to explore aspects and beliefs about myself that I hadn’t know were holding me back from achieving my goals. Deeply cathartic but ultimately uplifting!”
— Julie, NSW, Australia
Let’s Connect!
Keen to learn more and find out if we’re a good fit? Book a free 15-minute connection call.