Terms & Conditions

TAPPING GENIUS COURSE Heidi Books and Tap-In is not a licensed counselor, psychologist, therapist, medical doctor, nutritionist or any other medical professional. I have no formal training in these fields, and do not portray myself as such.

When participating in this course you shall accept complete responsibility for your emotional and/or physical well-being before, during, and after taking this course.

You agree that it is your responsibility to notify your doctor, therapist and/or health care professional prior to using these skills and agree to remain under their care and supervision for any medical, emotional, or mental condition for which you are currently being treated or believe you may need treatment.

You will not use these techniques to try to solve a problem where common sense would say it is not appropriate.

You take full responsibility for what you do with these techniques and will hold harmless Heidi Books and Tap-In or anyone else associated with the techniques, from any claims.

No refunds will be granted for this course.

You understand that by purchasing this course, you are agreeing to the above terms.

You voluntarily make and grant this Waiver and Assumption of Risk in favour of Heidi Books and Tap-In.

SESSION TIMES AND CANCELLATIONS Once an appointment is scheduled, you will be expected to pay for it unless you provide twenty four-hours’ advance notice to reschedule. If you are late, we will still end on time and not run over into the next person’s session. If you miss a session without cancelling, or cancel with less than twenty-four-hours’ notice, you must pay for that session in full.

CONTACTING ME As I am often with a client or otherwise not immediately available by telephone email is the best means of contact with me between sessions. If you are in need of telephone support please leave me a voicemail and I will make every effort to return your call on the same day you make it, with the exception of weekends and holidays.

PROFESSIONAL RECORDS I keep brief records on each session, primarily noting the date of the session, the interventions used, and progress or obstacles observed as they relate to your goals in working with me. For more information on record keeping please see my Privacy Policy and Data Collection Information.  

CONFIDENTIALITY With the exception of special situations described in the numbered list that follows, you have the absolute right to the confidentiality of your sessions. I cannot and will not tell anyone else what you have told me, or even that you are working with me without your prior written permission. I may under certain circumstances legally speak to another health-care provider or a member of your family about you without your prior consent, but I will not do so unless the situation is in my opinion an emergency or absolutely necessary. I will always act so as to protect your privacy to the best of my ability. You may direct me to share information with whomever you choose, and you can change your mind and revoke that permission at any time. You may request anyone you wish to attend a session with you. If you elect to communicate with me by e-mail at some point in our work together, please be aware that e-mail is not completely confidential. All emails are retained in the logs of your or my Internet service provider. Although under normal circumstances no one looks at these logs, they are, in theory, available to be read by the system administrators of the Internet service provider. As part of your treatment record, I may keep any e-mail I receive from you, and any responses that I send to you.

Following are seven exceptions to your right to confidentiality:

1. There are some situations in which I am legally obligated to take action to protect others from harm, even if I have to reveal some information about a client’s treatment. For example, if I believe that a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person being abused, I must file a report with the appropriate state or local agency.

2. If I believe that a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another, I am required to take protective actions.

3. If I believe that you are in imminent danger of harming yourself, I may legally break confidentiality and contact the police, a local crisis team, or a family member or other intimates.

4. If you tell me of the behavior of another named health or mental health care provider that suggests this person has either 1 engaged in sexual contact with a patient, including yourself, or 2 is impaired from practice in some manner due to cognitive, emotional, behavioral, or health problems, then the law requires me to report this to the practitioner’s state licensing board. I would inform you before taking this step. If you are my client and are also a health-care provider, however, your confidentiality remains protected under that law from this kind of reporting.

5. In certain legal proceedings, particularly those involving child custody or those in which your emotional condition or treatment is an important issue, a judge may order my testimony. Confidentiality is not protected when a judge makes such an order or in certain legal situation in which such confidentialities may be an issue

6. If I am asked to provide services to your spouse, partner, or another member of your family, we will in advance establish the limits of confidentiality. It generally confines a practitioner’s effectiveness when required to keep secrets, so my policy in most circumstances is that what you say and what we do can be shared with other family members I am working with. If this is what we establish, do not tell me anything you wish kept secret from other intimates who are receiving sessions from me. If confidential information is a concern, it may be better for each family member to work with a different practitioner.

7. I may occasionally find it helpful to consult other professionals about a client. During a consultation, I make every effort to avoid revealing the identity of the client. The consultant is also bound to keep the information confidential. If you don’t object, I will not tell you about these consultations unless I feel that it is important to our work together.

Although this written summary of exceptions to confidentiality should prove helpful in informing you about potential problems, please discuss with me any questions or concerns you may have. I will be happy to explore these issues with you, but formal legal advice may be needed from an attorney because the laws governing confidentiality can be quite complex.

MINORS If you are under eighteen years of age, please be aware that the law may provide your parents or legal guardians the right to examine my records of our work together. It is my policy to request a written agreement from parents to waive their right to access your records. If they agree, I will provide them only with general information about our work together unless I feel there is a high risk that you will seriously harm yourself or someone else. In this case, I will notify them of my concern. Before giving them any information, I will discuss the matter with you, if possible, and do my best to handle any objections you may have about what I am planning to discuss.

WHAT IS EFT? I am a certified practitioner of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). EFT is an approach that involves balancing and restoring your body’s natural energies for the purposes of increasing your vitality, strengthening your mental capacities, and optimizing your health. The form I use draws from EFT as taught by the founder Gary Craig.

Roots. The techniques you will be experiencing and learning trace back to ancient healing and spiritual traditions such as yoga, tai chi, and acupuncture. The variety I use and teach is thoroughly modern and does not require adherence to any particular set of beliefs or practices. The core concept is that your personal well-being and effectiveness are directly related to the state of your body’s energies. Your Body’s Energies. Einstein’s famous formula, E = mc2, changed the course of physics and of history by showing that matter is a form of energy. Our bodies are comprised of molecules that are in constant motion and that are continually being influenced by outside forces. The medical profession measures electromagnetic fields with devices such as EKGs, EEGs, and MRIs. The vital role these energies play in our everyday health and well-being is well established. Scientists from a range of disciplines are now introducing concepts such as “force fields” and “subtle energies” to explain a range of empirical observations. Subtle energies are called “subtle” because they are not easily detectable and scientists have not been able to develop instruments to measure them reliably. Nonetheless, people throughout history and across cultures have described seeing or feeling subtle energies.

Enhancing Your Body’s Energies. You may have heard about subtle energy through terms such as the “life force,” “chi,” “meridians,” “chakras,” “biofields,” or “auras.” In many healing traditions, the “life force,” the animating power whose presence defines life and whose absence defines death, is understood as a form of subtle energy. Eastern cultures, in particular, have studied such energies for millennia and have successfully applied their understanding for enhancing both physical and emotional health. Systems designed to influence the body’s subtle energies include yoga, Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, tai chi, therapeutic touch, and energy medicine, to name just a few. Many hospitals in the United States now include such methods to help with the healing of a variety of conditions.

Emotional Freedom Techniques. The techniques I will be using and teaching you are based on the premise that by promoting balance and flow in the body’s electromagnetic and subtle energies, health and wellbeing are enhanced. The techniques may involve tapping, holding, pressing or rubbing specified areas of the skin. They move, balance, enhance, and restore the body’s energies.

WHAT ARE THE LIMITATIONS OF MY PRACTICE? Although EFT uses the term “emotional,” it does not imply that EFT practitioners are practicing therapy. EFT is a term used by many training programs that teach people how to assess and correct for energy imbalances in the body. EFT is not a substitute for the diagnosis and/or treatment of medical or mental health conditions by a licensed health care professional. If you have a disorder that has been diagnosed by a licensed medical or mental health professional or a condition that should be evaluated by a licensed health professional, my services should be used only in conjunction with your obtaining that care. I do not diagnose or treat medical or mental health disorders, nor am I trained or licensed to do so. EFT attempts to optimize the body’s overall health and vitality, but it is not to be used instead of appropriate care from a licensed professional. Besides the fact that EFT does not diagnose or treat illness, another difference between my services and typical visits to a medical doctor is that effective energy work requires your active involvement between sessions. Our sessions will establish energy patterns that optimize body, mind, and spirit. Reinforcing these new patterns through the between session exercises I assign you extend the benefits you receive in your sessions. EFT brings disturbed energies back to a state of balance and harmony. These corrections will generally consist of various forms of light tapping. If you are uncomfortable with any of the procedures being used, please tell me immediately and I will instantly stop. While the methods I use and teach are gentle and considered noninvasive, it is possible that physical or emotional after effects may occur after your energies have been stimulated and adjusted. In some instances dizziness, nausea, tiredness and nervousness are unusual but not unheard of side effects of energy work. If any procedure is disquieting or leads to discomfort, please tell me at once. I will instantly stop if you request me to do so and can often provide a technique to counter the discomfort.

OTHER ASPECTS OF OUR RELATIONSHIP You have the right to ask me questions about anything that happens in our work together. I’m always willing to discuss how and why I’ve decided to do what I am doing, and to look at alternatives that might work better. You can feel free to ask me to try something that you think will be helpful. You can ask me about my training for working with your concerns and can request that I refer you to someone else if you decide I’m not the right practitioner for you. You are free to terminate our work together at any time. I never engage in sexual intimacies with clients or former clients and generally avoid social and business relationships. Beyond the legal and ethical considerations, our work together will be most effective when kept free from possible outside entanglements.

TOUCH Many of the methods I use involve tapping or touching on various points on the face and upper body. For the most part you will be tapping or holding these points yourself. If there is a need for me to tap on you I will always ask permission to do so ahead of time. If you have any misgivings, doubts or any negative reactions to any physical contact, it is very important that you let me know as soon as possible so that we can discuss your concerns. If you are uncomfortable talking to me, I encourage you to talk through your concerns with another professional.

LEGAL PROCEEDINGS If you are involved in legal proceedings based on your having been traumatized, please understand that the goals of our work together may involve healing the physical and emotional aftermath of the trauma, and this could adversely affect your ability to provide legal testimony that carries the same impact as it would prior to our work.

TERMINATING THE SESSION Normally, you will be the one who decides when our work will end, but there are three exceptions to this. If I determine that I am unable, for any reason, to provide you with the services you are requesting at a high professional standard, I will inform you of this decision and refer you to another practitioner who may better meet your needs. Second, if you verbally or physically threaten or harass me, my office, or my family, I reserve the right to terminate you from my practice immediately and unilaterally. Third, I reserve the right to refuse or terminate a session if you or anyone in the session is suspected of being under the influence of a mood altering substance. You will be responsible and charged for the full payment of the normal fee.

AWAY FROM OFFICE I am away from the office several times each year for various reasons. I will make every effort to tell you well in advance of any anticipated lengthy absences and to discuss other options for continuing to work toward your goals during my absence.

COMPLAINTS If you are unhappy with the way our work together is proceeding, I hope you will talk about it with me so I can respond directly to your concerns. I will take such concerns seriously and meet them with care and respect. You are also free to discuss any complaints about me with anyone you wish. You do not have any responsibility to maintain confidentiality about what I do or say. You are the person who has the right to decide what you want kept confidential. If you believe that I have been unwilling to listen and respond, or that I have behaved unethically, you can register a complaint about my behavior you can register a complaint through EFT International https://eftinternational.org/

COMMUNICATIONS By providing your details through our website you are agreeing to receive emails and information from us from time to time. If at any time you no longer wish to receive emails from us, you can unsubscribe.

By choosing to use the booking form on this website you agree that you have read and understood the above information and agree to these terms and conditions during our professional relationship.